Free Class!

Every six weeks or so, I host a free, online gathering for companies of one in professional coaching, consulting, and private practice.

In the early days of the pandemic, I started doing this to address marketing and mindset emergencies, and we are still going strong.

We meet via Zoom and focus on solving challenges often while laughing because a sense of humor truly helps.

And we also discuss upgrading our mindset and re-igniting our entrepreneurial spirit in challenging times -- all in the Happy Little Practice way.

Join us and bring your questions about how to streamline and simplify your message, services, marketing, mindset, and more, and I'll do my best to help.

The next gathering is on Tuesday, June 29th, at Noon Eastern.

In addition to open Q&A, I'll also be offering an informal, mini-teaching segment on addressing the languish and burnout many creative small business owners are experiencing this season.

It's been one heck of a year and a half of pandemic life, and it can be unnerving to feel like your mojo up and left you when the end seems to be so near.

Even if burnout isn't up for you, summer is here, which can be a confusing time for solopreneurs.

The desire to play and take time off is strong and can make running a business or private practice feel especially challenging between kids being home, vacation plans (or not), and more.

I'll share what I'm working on to handle my sense of burnout and low motivation these days, including a few insights that have been delightful and uplifting to experience.

I promise there is a different way to look at all of this.

If you haven't already, please register for this free class here. (And yes, a replay will be provided if you can't attend live.)

Hope to see you there!


P.S. If you haven't watched the original signature class on what is the Happy Little Practice Method, to discover if the small practice, big results way is for you, please do so here.