What is a boutique business?


The Happy Little Practice Method is built on the boutique business model.

Simply put, it's a style of business that focuses on delivering high-touch, high-quality service, to a select number of clients, at a premium price point.

It's also about having fewer, higher paying clients versus a whole bunch of low paying clients.

How we create a boutique business is by choosing a specialty or a niche.

It's a strategic choice to shift your focus on trying to get as many clients as possible, or trying to get everyone and anyone to be your client, to focusing on quality versus quantity.

What's cool about this is that it allows time for you to have a life as you build your practice instead of waiting and waiting until you hopefully someday "make it."

By keeping the numbers of your clients small, it also allows you to do a really exceptional job at something that you specialize in and can charge a premium for.

Here are a few distinctions to help make this point.

1) This first strategy in the Happy Little Practice Method is about solving one problem versus doing a bit of everything.

This is about letting go of trying to be all things to everyone and deciding to specialize in solving one major life problem.

2) Then it's also about becoming a consistent contributor -- not only in your body of work but into your family's life.

And that shifts your priority from dreamer or inspiration junkie (which, let’s face it, we can all be as coaches and practitioners), to creating a real life that ends your career with debts paid and money in the bank. This keeps your feet on the ground and priorities grounded too.

3) It’s also about choosing a business model that's a bit quieter versus seeking fame.

That shifts your focus from thinking you need to be doing what everybody else is doing or being overly concerned with the latest marketing thing, to doing what works for you.

These distinctions help free you up to do business your way and focus on results.


This way of doing business allows you to remember why you started a business: To live a better life, to earn well and on your own terms, while doing meaningful work and making an impact.

Choosing to become a profitable boutique business also allows you the time and space to live a really great life and in a way that doesn’t require big fame and big fortune to pull off.

To learn more about the Happy Little Practice Method and if it's for you, watch this free intro class here

If you are ready for private mentoring and coaching on the small is the new big way of doing business for companies of one, reach out here and let's talk.