3 Random But Useful Tips

3 Random But Useful Happy Little Practice Tips for Coaches, Consultants and Practitioners

Hi there, 

Here are 3 random things that are useful if you're considering joining the Happy Little Practice Mindset Club

Even if you're not planning on joining me, I think it could help. 

 Now for the 3 random but useful tips. 

1) Pace

Your pace of progress is yours to set in business. 

Pace is like appetite. It's not one size fits all. 

There are different ways of making progress in the Club. 

Some people are going for it in their boutique business like their life depends on it.

Others already have a busy private practice, and want to keep it going in a sane and sustainable way.

Others are taking an easy-does-it-approach in their marketing that allows them to nurture their stressed out nervous system from pandemic life and other challenges. 

Others are working around an existing career or vocation they'd like to leave someday. 

Others never want to leave their day job (and their pension) but are building where they want to be in a few years. 

All of it is just right. 

The pace of progress is yours to set. 

I will lean in or give you space, depending on your preference. 

2) Focus

There are two non-negotiables in the Club, and you can take them on, one at a time. 

The Golden Hour (GH) and the Golden Hour Practice (GHP)

1) The GH is one hour dedicated to creating clients or working on a short-term project on most work days.

Why? Because your mindset needs a marketing project, otherwise it's just more thinky-think. 

2) The Golden Hour Primer is 15-20 minutes dedicated to a daily mindshift practice.

Why? Because your marketing needs a mindset practice, so that you can go beyond your fears and inner resistance (which is normal).  

Some members are working exclusively on making this professional routine stick and that's enough.  

3) Your boutique business marketing and mindset coach must know how to stack wood, start a fire and keep a fire going. 


Say, what?!

Okay, I threw that in there to see if you were paying attention. 

But yes, I can do all the above if you think it makes me look cool. Maybe? Ha!

In all seriousness, starting a fire is not unlike getting a boutique business to thrive or taking your private practice into a bold, new direction. 


Well, allow me to pontificate! 

First, stacking wood is manual labor.

If you like being warm and you love the benefits of a wood stove (the sounds of a crackling fire, unparalleled warmth, the energy savings, the cozy vibes, the freedom from big oil, etc.), then you have to be willing to do some work like getting the wood, stacking it in by your front door and carrying it in a bunch of times a day. 

In coaching, consulting or private practice, it's easy to just do the thinky-think work and avoid doing the hard thing. 

A successful coaching or boutique business requires grit too, but it's SO WORTH IT. 

Second, structure saves you a lot of frustration. 

You have to know how to stack the wood correctly before you light the match so it will catch. 

A poorly structured fire will smoke and smolder and make you hate having a wood stove. 

Stack correctly. 

Same thing with your biz. 

Third, if you try to multitask while starting a fire and walk away to do something else, you'll find the embers going out and having to start over

You have to stay close-by and focus on it until it catches. 

You have to know when you can confidently close the door to the woodstove or when to leave it ajar because it needs more air. 

And you have to know when to tamp down or open up the flue (and by how much!) so the room gets warm and doesn't burn wood too quickly. 

Get one fire going in your business, my friend, not multiple fires. 

One thing at a time is how we do things. 

Fourth, you have to maintain the woodstove if you want to be warm all day

My LEAST favorite part is maintenance. 

Digging out the ashes and sometimes burning embers. 

In business, maintaining your stamina, energy, focus and keeping the creativity and spirit of service alive as you enter your 40s, 50s and beyond is important.

And that's something worth talking about.  

If you want someone who will help you build your own fire and keep it going, then I may be your gal. 

Details for joining the Happy Little Practice Mindset Club here.

If you have questions that would help you decide, get in touch and ask away.

Thanks for reading!


PS - Confession: Normally my hubby does all the woodstove stuff but he's skiing right now, so I'm suddenly into woodstove metaphors. 

PPS - If you would rather talk about private coaching instead of the Club, you can reach me here to get this conversation going. I promise not to talk about wood stoves again.