Solstice + Legal Love

An image of a small bouquet of pink flowers on a wooden desk with a white journal and pink pen with the words Legal Love and #happylittlepractice overlayed in black font

Summer plans and getting your legal stuff handled

Summer is like the winter holidays for women. 

There is a lot of EXTRA organizing, doing and traveling while simultaneously wanting to do less. 

Over the years, I've been experimenting on how to do summers with a family life and running a business. 

Last year, I was traveling over the summer and one thing that helped me was repurposing my best articles and sending them to my email list, instead of coming up with new content during a busy season. 

I loved it! 

I loved the ease, the peace of mind and my open rates even improved.

This summer, I'm doing a combination.

1) I'll share some of my best articles of the past year

2) I'll share some of the exciting things my clients are up to to help celebrate their progress and calling it my “summer of client love.”

Both will require less thinky-thinking and creative work on my part, and both will be valuable to you as you see examples of what's possible, sprinkled with some of my own little nuggets of wisdom. (Maybe something like this could work for your keep in touch plans?)

I'm kicking this off by introducing you to someone new. 

I'd like you to meet a woman who has turned all the legal matters of running a business, for coaches, consultants and practitioners, into what she calls Legal Love

Lisa Fraley is a lawyer turned Legal Coach who specializes in helping people like you and I, get their legal ducks in order.

She has the most affordable and accessible solutions and I can't wait for you to get to know her. 

Listen to this 25-minute audio interview where I ask Lisa to tell us how to get out of dread and overwhelm of handling the legal stuff. 

She did more than that!

Lisa mapped out a 7-step process, for EVERY stage of business, that I must say, brought me such a sense of ease and relief. 

So if you're just starting out, or have been at it for over two decades like me, I promise you will find this interview enlightening, educational and kinda fun too. 

Things we covered...

  • How to start protecting your legal assets (so simple!)

  • Why updating your legal matters helps attract MORE clients

  • What you can skip in your legal set up and save for later (This was a relief!)

  • What the chakras have to do with the legalities of your business (It makes perfect sense if you have even just a tiny bit of spirituality in you)

  • Friendly reframes that will help you look forward to setting your business up right, instead of dreading it. 

And lots more. 

Have a listen and take this audio replay with you on-the-go

And then go grab one of her many free resources on her website, including an upcoming free class on things to look out for when using AI in your business. 

Hope you find this useful!


PS - I have 2 spots left for private clients this summer, so reach out if you'd like a marketing and mindset business partner on your side. I can help you find the right words to your message, the right structure for a simple and profitable practice and even the right marketing and mindset to see your ideas through. Schedule an appointment and let's chat ->