This is the season when coaches thrive


Sometimes, it's like my clients try to throw obstacles at themselves.

They come up with all the reasons why they can't have what they want.

And the holiday time is a big one!

"It's too crazy for my family. I should just wait until the holidays are over to focus on marketing again."

"My potential clients are traveling a lot and so we can't work on the thing I specialize in."

"I don't want to be another person selling to my clients this holiday season!"

It's like they want all the challenges GONE before they proceed.

And yes, I do this from time to time too.

Well, unfortunately, that's not how it works.

Circumstances always feel impossible.


So get used to it and get into it.

In the spirit of re-training your brain to think-feel-act like a peaceful and profitable coach, here are 5 reasons why the holidays are the perfect time to attract new clients.

1) Clients want to go to holiday gatherings with good news to share!

"Finally! I hired someone to help me write that book I've been talking about for years!"

"I'm so excited! I've hired a marketing coach to help me take my business idea from thinking about it to game on."

"Guess what? I've got a weight loss coach on my side and I've reserved a time to start for the beginning of January!"

The more you know your specific ideal client profile, the more you can communicate this with a tone of true caring and superior service. 

2) Clients/Organizations have end of year budget requirements to meet (aka spend!) 

They know exactly how much is left in the budget, what they need to get done/hire for by year end and what tax implications are on the line (IE use the money or give the government the money). 

From solopreneurs, to corporations, private schools, and individuals, now is the time to spend some money that will positively impact their 2019 budget. 

The more you know WHO you ideal clients are, the more you understand HOW this applies to them. 

3) The holidays are powerful times to reflect on unfinished business and course correct.

I remember one holiday season when I was stunned to realize that this was my THIRD Christmas facing down the same entrepreneurial funk.

I was feeling apathetic about my business AND life. 

It was a wake up call. 

And it was the beginning of a big change for my health, business and more. 

There is something very powerful about special dates like holidays, special gatherings and birthdays, that stir up a lot of emotion and remind you of where you are stuck and what you want to be different. 

It can also be a catalyst to making a decision and hiring the right coach to help you make the changes. 

Dare to ask yourself what your clients need and want now. 

Be the person in their life to show them what's possible NOW, not someday, maybe later. 

This is the season where coaches can shine and thrive IF you're willing to replace the self-talk about all the reasons why now isn't the time, with questions that start with "how can I...?"  

4) The gift of experience beats buying stuff.

More and more, people are desperate for authenticity and meaningful experiences instead of more stuff. 

One client shared that in her household and community, they are mindfully reducing their consumption of material goods and investing more in experiences. 

Your coaching services are a great way to meet and exceed that desire. 

How could you share more about the before and after experience of your work?

How could you speak to the "before" that is happening in your client's lives right now and show them a way out? 

5) The holidays are a powerful time to invest in staying awake and engaged.

People tend to go on auto-pilot during this season. 

That's totally fine if there isn't a negative downside for you. 

For me and my clients, we actually DO NOT LIKE the feeling of stumbling into January and trying to catch our breath and remember what the heck we're up to. 

Been there, done that. 

We want to meet our end of year goal, enjoy the most important part of the holidays as we see fit AND be ready to go come January. 

As it turns out, this is WAY MORE INTERESTING than checking out. 

If you want to do something new or different, how can you start now AND still be present to the best parts of the holidays? 

How could you help your potential clients get out of the either/or mindset? That is, the "either all in or all out" way of being and instead, stay awake and engaged. 

I hope these reframes are useful to you. 

And guess what, I'm ready to help you and your business. 

Because circumstances always seem impossible. 


So might as well get used to it and get in it. 

Get in touch here to end the year feeling focused and on track to making big changes. 

In appreciation of all that you're up to in the world, 


PS - If you're not familiar with the #happylittlepractice approach to business, check out my signature talk here. Grab a mug of something delicious and see what's possible with a small, but mighty business.