The life changing magic of tidying up your business.



You've probably heard about the hugely popular book by Marie Kondo on the Japanese art of decluttering and organizing.

I haven't read it, but I whole heartedly subscribe to the power of tidying up any area of your life, especially your coaching business or private practice.

In fact, I'm utterly fascinated by the power of taking care of your environment in this way.

I've seen a direct correlation between a tidy business life and making more money and feeling clear and happy about the direction of your life's work.

But to be honest, tidying up is not particularly easy for me.

I rather do about 100 different things like work with clients than run my business numbers, update my computer, or make the time to get rid of old stuff that's energetically weighing me down.

Yet I'm a natural organizer. In fact I do that for my client's businesses and ideas. But I have always felt that everything outside "doing for others" just could wait until "later."

Problem was, "later" never arrived or when it did, things were such a mess that it required eons of time to clean up.

I'm sure you can relate. You're good at what you do, and caring for others, but you tend to put off the care of your business tidying.

In one way, it worked for me. My business was organized, and so it thrived. But my life as a whole was somehow suffering.

It was hard to enjoy what I created and I yearned to feel at peace with my journey of entrepreneurship, instead dealing with a baseline of anxiety from wondering if my vague business practices would hold.

Deep down, I knew they wouldn't so energetically, it kept clients away.

We coaches and solo-practitioners are fantastic care-takers of others and pretty lousy at caring for ourselves.

Sure, we'll spend money on the best vitamins and body work, we easily value wellness.

But when it comes to decluttering and organizing our work life, we put that off.

I'd like to invite you to think about this differently.

The care and maintenance of your work life environment is an act of self-respect.

Making the time to tidy up your business says you are a professional, you care, and your work is worthy of your time and attention.

I know I feel that when I'm around someone who has their stuff together in this way.

They somehow seem to ooze a level of self-respect that is admirable and inspires confidence in them.

It makes me sit up straighter and makes me want to be my best.

I know you want that for your practice too.

Come, let's explore the art of tidying up your work life.

Your time, your office, your computer, your billing and more.

I can make this easy, peaceful and pleasurable to do so. (That's the only way I can stick with it!)

Then and only then, will your work become a work of art.

Only then will your life feel like like it is becoming your greatest creation.

So here's to tidying up AND rising up!

Join me on a magical journey of tidying up a few areas of your practice:

Details are here:

We start Monday, July 20th.


PS - This is designed just for you - a personal development coach or solo-practitioner. No need to try to do this on your own or read a ton of books and take complicated organizing programs that may or may not apply to your style of work. I've got you covered in one short and sweet course.

PPS - You can read about the business transformations from tidying up on this page too: