When does your business need your love the most?

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When does your business need your love the most?

When it's successful, full of ideal clients and raking in the dough?

No, that's when it's easy to love.

Your business needs most of your love during the times of uncertainty, doubt, and second guessing.

Just like any relationship, how you handle the hard times can make or break the relationship.

Your business is a kind of relationship.

It's a living, breathing entity.

It's easy to love it when it's happy-go-lucky time.

It's also easy to feel deflated and lose your nerve when it's not acting in the way your imagined it would.

Try this...

Think of a challenging situation in your business.

Ask yourself, "what would love do?"

I always find relief and a clear next step when I ask that question.


P.S. - Want help restructuring your practice into a small, but mighty little business? Click here to watch my signature webinar on why I created the #happylittlepractice method for myself and other parents who don't necessarily want to build an empire, but for sure need to earn well.

P.P.S. - If you're ready for a marketing mentor who gets the part time hours, full time income thing, get in touch here.

Happy is a valid business strategy.


A quick tip on creating peace and plenty in business, the #happylittlepractice way.

Happy isn’t about things being all cheery, all the time in biz. (It’s really more like 50% awesome, and 50% dig deep.)

When you really take stock and recognize what makes you happy, it makes business decisions much easier.

It gives you patience, and respect for timing and the time you have.

It helps you focus on winning at the only thing you can, your own dang life.

It helps you take on the right clients.

It helps you say yes, and no. (And quiet the comparing yourself to what colleagues are doing.

What makes me happy in biz may be different from you. Find out what truly makes you feel peaceful and plentiful and then let that inform every inch of your biz, and life.

The outliers in your practice

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Did you know that 80% of my clients are moms with a service based solo-business, who must earn an income or they will have to get a job?

And did you know that the other 20% of my clients are single women solely in charge of bringing in the bread & butter in their life?

Some have adult children, long out of the home. Others are happily child free.

Both types of women find their way to me.

Both types want flex time, to be available for their friends and family, and to take much better care of themselves as the years go by.

I think it's because they both resonate with the tiny, but mighty #smallisthewnewbig approach.

Just this month, my standard 3 new clients per month (something I teach my clients how to do) were "all the single ladies."


Here's the thing about that:

Did the single ladies that I on-boarded this month, cause me to panic and question my chosen "moms with a business" audience?


Did it make me want to change my message and find a way for single clients to resonate with my #happylittlepractice method?


Why? Because when I do (and I have done so), my work seems to land with NO ONE.

Don't let those awesome outliers in your practice confuse and dilute your message.

Welcome them, love them up and do great work with them, but don't change your message if most of your clients fit in a different "category."

Of course, this is easier with someone whispering some keep calm and carry on advice in your ear. (That be me!)

So, if you want help evolving your practice to thrive in today's economy by tightening up your message, services and marketing in the #happylittlepractice way, get in touch, okay?

Apply here to see if I'm the right mentor for you, your business and making it all work for your family life too.

I've got up to 3 spots in the schedule for February.

Not sure? Grab some tea, a notepad and pen and watch my signature talk on Small Practice, Big Results here, if you haven't already.

That will give you an in-depth introduction to my #happylittlepractice method. It's 100% content, teaching, and no fluff.

Of course, if you're not ready for a marketing mentor, that's cool! You're welcome here too.

Perhaps you could use some up-leveling in your mindset, mood and memory as a woman with a business?

I know for me, it's a daily practice!

If so, you're invited to join my free monthly community call on upgrading your routines in business with a beautiful, simple essential oil practice. Check out the details here and see if it's for you.

Hope this has been useful!


Elevate Your Mental Game in Business

From @drmariza book “smart moms guide to essential oils”

Elevate your mental game in business with a simple, pleasurable, essential oil practice.

Therapeutic grade essential oils have been a life saver in my business and have pulled me back from the edge more than once by simply integrating them into my everyday routines.

In coaching, there's a saying: Routines truly determine our results.

As a start up, it's all about CREATING routines (what to do, how to do it, when to do it, from your marketing, how you use your time, admin time, creative time, client time, etc).

For successful women in business, it's about ELEVATING your routines to prevent and get out of burn out, and refuel your creative juices to help you continue to rise up.

The problem with "routines" is that we tend to view them from an overly masculine lens. They get tight, rigid and make us cranky. Not fun, and definitely not sustainable.

That's why each month, I host a free community call uniquely designed for women like me, who also have a business, a family and lots to get done.

The first half of each 60 minute call, I share specific ways you can use your essential oils to create a strong mental-game, feel calm in your body and cultivate the courage to do big things without burning yourself out.

The second half of the call, I offer free business coaching on integrating essential oils into your existing business in a natural, on-message way, should you desire that. (Totally optional!)

Stay on for both, or join us for just one part of the call. Up to you!

The rest of the month we share what's working and how we're using the oils in a small, but mighty, private Facebook group on to nurture your mind, body and spirit as women in business.

This group is part women with a business and part my personal friends and family.

And you're invited.

To participate in this FREE monthly community call, all you have to do is purchase a little starter kit of oils from yours truly. (You do not have to buy any more oils! They last quite awhile.)

I recommend a few here: https://www.karinrozell.com/essentials

PLEASE NOTE: If you're on a tight budget, don't let it hold you back.

If you can only get ONE OIL... Get yourself ONE little, but powerful bottle of essential oil and get started and you can join me too. I recommend the "balance" blend for when you're navigating intense times or "wild orange" to bring energy and focus to your workday.

If you can only get THREE OILS, I recommend wild orange, lavender and peppermint. (I'll show you how to use them on our community calls and in our private group.)

And you can go to the following link to order your starter kit (select "become a member" and then select "wholesale customer"), or just click on "shop" if you want just one bottle or three.


Once you place your first essential oil order, please email me (Karin@KarinRozell.com) and I'll add you to our private Facebook community and you'll have immediate access to the next community call.

Let's elevate your mind and everyday business routines with essential oils.

It will be one of the nicest and most effective things you've ever done for yourself.


Karin Rozell

Author, Coach and Creator of the Happy Little Practice Method for Moms in Coaching


P.S. I'm not exactly an essential oil expert, but I am expert in transforming mindset challenges for women who are making big changes in their life, especially in their income, messaging and marketing. So come on! Come learn with me. You can learn more about why I've integrated essential oils into my work day and personal life, in the following link:


Southwest, Uber and Your Message

Good morning Dallas! Now where is my cowgirl hat? waiting for my coaching day with my girl Brooke.

Good morning Dallas! Now where is my cowgirl hat? waiting for my coaching day with my girl Brooke.

It’s 5:30am and I’m on the way to Dallas Love Field airport, a Southwest Airlines hub in Texas. 

My Uber driver, who proudly tells me he has a bachelors degree in business, is chatting me up about what makes Southwest, a small, but mighty little business, so darn great. 

It’s weird… 

They aren’t the biggest airline. 

They aren’t the fanciest. 

They don’t fly internationally. 

They offer less bells and whistles than most airlines. 

Instead they have chosen to focus on what their customers MOST appreciate and work on delivering that really well. 

Things like…

You are treated humanely (the staff has quite a sense of humor and it’s refreshing, especially when you have travel nerves)… 

You can check 2 bags free of charge… (hello, I’m traveling, of course I have bags to check!)

You can change your flight at the last minute with no penalty… (thanks for being cool!) 

And their rewards program is easy and actually rewarding to use. 

(Pro Tip: My hubby runs all business expenses through the Southwest business card and we have plenty of free flights each year.) 

They focus on what they CAN do well instead of trying to be all things to all people.

This helps them maintain their level of focus on the essentials that most other airlines have forgotten about in their quest to be the biggest. 

This is what me and my clients do too.  

We recognize we can’t win the game of having the most clients, the most testimonials, and the most m-oney. 

But we can do ONE THING really well and that can set us apart.

So we zig where others zag in coaching. 

We focus on one thing - one message, one audience and one signature offer - that we can rock out, and we do it in a high-touch, high-level style.  

This level of focus eliminates a LOT of the “would be nice if I had a more m-oney, more time and more team” marketing strategies. 

So remember, as you go about your new year, if you’re anything like me and my clients, try becoming an essentialist and be more like Southwest Airlines. 

Focus on what you CAN do really well, and eliminate the rest. 

It seems to work really well for Southwest, and us coaches and consultants applying the #happylittlepractice method

The easiest way to do this is to start by tweaking your message, your chosen audience and the structure of your services. 

If you’d like help with this, I have two spots left for January start date and up to 3 in February. 

If you’re ready to work with a marketing and business mentor, I’d love to talk with you and see if we're a good match. I'm often booked 30-60 days in advance. Apply here

Here’s to your own small, but mighty little business! 


PS - I’m speaking this week at Wellcoaches professional development membership on Jan 17th. Not one of their members? Check out my two free trainings here and here and see for yourself if my #happylittlepractice approach to thriving in a coaching practice makes sense to you. 

A little success story that's full of real life

Here's what a dear client shared with me recently.

I want to share it with you, because it's so full of "the stuff of life."

The mom stuff, marriage, self-care, money, time, feeling like you make enough of an impact and more.

You know, all the "stuff" that comes up when you dare to create for a living.

My client Elizabeth started doing my Great Little Talks approach to filling her practice in October of 2017.

She wrote the following last month, nearly a year to the day she began.

I want you to know, she doesn't do anything fancy.

She focuses on giving Great Little Talks most every month, and sending a newsletter twice per month and that's about it.

It's more than enough for most coaches and practitioners who like to teach.

And this is what she had to say...

"I want to start my day by reflecting on what I have created in this Happy Little Biz of mine in the past year:

1. I am in complete control of my schedule, which means...

  • I took four full days off for Thanksgiving (and still got paid!)

  • I get to leave the office when my work is done, go home/grocery shop, and prep dinner before anyone comes home. This gives me a sense of calm and preparedness that I would not have otherwise.

  • If my daughter is sick, I can stay home with her without having to explain that choice to anyone for any reason. My clients, of course, are *amazing* about my occasional need to reschedule. They totally get it.

  • I can say "no" to trips for work if I know it'll be too disruptive to our family life. Better yet, I can say, "Sure, how about next month?"

2. I'm doing work I believe in and love.

  • It feels important to me

  • It's helping other people's lives.

  • This gives me such a sense of well-being and contentment.

3. I'm earning more money now than I did in any of my past jobs.

  • I am starting to take on more financial responsibility in my marriage, which is making a big difference for my husband and, consequently, our marriage.

  • It feels like the seesaw is finally starting to balance itself out.

4. I am not overwhelmed or overtired.

  • My mom friends with full-time jobs are really hurting. They are stretched thin and exhausted. I am neither.

  • I have a lot to do, but since I am in control, I can slow it down or speed it up as fits my needs.

  • I am learning that this is a *huge* advantage to being a solo-preneur.

5. I can take vacation! And still get paid!

  • I'm taking a full 10 days for the upcoming winter holidays. I know I need that time to unplug (literally) and to fill my cup with family, friends, and high quality time with my daughter.

  • It makes working really hard over the next 4 weeks So Worth It.

6. No one can fire me.

  • I got fired from my last traditional job and it really flattened me.

  • I have changed a lot since then and one of the most important things I've learned is that I am happiest being my own boss.

  • And I'm getting skilled at giving myself a good talking to that actually works. Haha!

This is why I do what I do.

When I see a client experience peace and plenty on her terms, that is what makes me happy.

Her marriage gets better, her income improves, her self-care deepens, because she's finally meeting her own needs.

It's beautiful.

It's not easy-peasy, but that's normal when you go for something that feels big to you.

And for sure, it's taken some trial and error, courage and managing her mindset again and again, but overall, what she does is simple.

If you want to know what Elizabeth did, just check out this website GreatLittleTalks.com.

Before she did Great Little Talks, she worked with me to swiftly iron out her message, her audience and her services so that she was no longer offering small packages of sessions and trying to be all things to everyone.

If you want help with your small practice, be it adding coaching to an existing business or up-leveling how you're working with clients, please get in touch and let's see if I can help.

You can apply for a time to talk here.

That shared, no matter where you are on your entrepreneurial journey, I'm sending you lots of courage and focus to see your vision all the way through.

Here's to your own #happylittlepractice,



Not ready for marketing and business coaching but could use some mindset and mood support in your biz? I lead a small community of women in business on how to upgrade their routines, through the power of plant medicine like essential oils. We talk about creating more stamina, courage and calm in the face of creating for a living. You can learn more here.

Not sure what #happylittlepractice method is all about? Here's a free training that goes into detail of how a small practice is big enough when done right.

Just for fun! Check out my 25 days of "peace and plenty in business" Facebook and Instagram posts, that I started on Dec 1st. You can easily catch up with a quick scroll over tea.

Let's be ready for each other.


In the early days of my coaching business, I was all over the place.

I drove all over for opportunities.

I didn't know any better, and quite frankly, I thought that's what I should do to build my business: say YES to EVERY THING.

But when it came time to talk to my coach, who I scrapped together the little money I had to pay for, I always pulled over in a quiet parking lot, had my notebook ready and was prepared for my coaching call.

It was not ideal. Looking back, I should have not done those calls, on the go, but I was new and was still learning how to organize my time, still learning how to do this coaching thing without a boss telling me exactly what to do each day.


I did not call while driving.

I did not multi-task while talking to her.

I did not call with a noisy back ground.

I did not feel perfectly organized, but I knew to enough to stop the car, breathe, focus and get ready to get real, open up, ask questions, listen and receive.

I did not have it together by any stretch, but I parked the car 10-15 minutes ahead of time, usually in a grocery store lot, gathered my thoughts and made sure to be prepared.

This is some basic stuff people.

Be ready for your coach.

If you have trouble with this, probably don't start a business.

(Or at least, be very willing to up-level your skillset in this area fast, or nothing you invest in will work.)

On the flip side, if you are a new coach, and you receive calls from your client, please be ready for them.

Please have a place that is your home base for your computer, paperwork you might need, pen, paper, and the calls you make/receive (even if it's a tiny corner of your bedroom).

Many coaches tell me they don't have a designated space. And they set up shop each day in a different spot of their home. These are also the coaches that do not consistently earn enough money.

I'm sharing this from almost 19 years of professional coaching experience; showing up for potential client calls (the ones I flubbed, the ones that were great, the ones that left me baffled); this is from showing up to receive coaching (open, willing, imperfect), showing up to coach clients (steady and ready) and the patterns I've noticed.

Let's be ready for each other. You for me, your client. Me for you, your coach.

Free Mindset Coaching for Women in Business


Would you like to learn more about how to use high-quality, therapeutic grade essential oils to help you cultivate courage, calm and confidence while running a coaching/consulting business and managing your life?

Are you curious about creating an additional income stream into your existing coaching, consulting or holistic health practice, but want to do so with an eye on staying on-message, keeping things simple and reassuringly peaceful in your life?

Consider joining my Happy Little Practice Essential Oil Community.

Essential oils have been a life saver in my business mindset and have pulled me back from the edge more than once.

Each month I host a free community call on using essential oils for your business mindset, mood and memory.

The first half I share specific ways I use oils to create a strong mental-game and give me the courage to do big things without burning myself out.

The second half of the call, I offer free business coaching on integrating essential oils into your existing business in a natural, on-message, and #happylittlepractice way.

Stay on for both, or join us for just one part of the call. Up to you!

The rest of the month we share and inspire each other in a small, but mighty, very private Facebook group on how to use our oils to nurture our minds, body and spirit as women in business (and the friends and family they share this with!)

This group is part women with a business and part my personal friends and family.

And you're invited.

To participate in this FREE monthly personal and professional coaching and community call, all you have to do is purchase a little starter kit of oils from yours truly.

I'm not exactly an essential oil expert, but I am expert in transforming mindset challenges for women who are making changes in their life, especially in their income, messaging and marketing.

I'm learning fast and I intend to share what I learn with you!

You can learn more about why I've integrated essential oils into my work day and personal life, and now my business life too, in the following link:


There you'll also learn how you can join me and participate in these free calls.

Once you place your first essential oil order, please send me the receipt and I'll add you to our private Facebook community and you'll have immediate access to past community call recordings and upcoming ones too.

Let's do this together!

Glamour, luxury branding not required to create 6 figs


Today's insight about your marketing and mindset is simple.

You don't need glamour shots or have luxury branding to create 6-figures.

There's nothing wrong with that if that's your jam.

However, this message is for you if you're not trying to create celebrity status, build an empire, nor are you trying to become a CEO.

Again, nothing at ALL wrong with that, but that's not what I teach.

I stand firm that even if you want a big business, you must FIRST learn how to create a Happy LITTLE Practice.

As Marianne Williamson once said, "before you can manage a large following, you must first learn how to manage a small following."

If this is good news to you, this should be a relief.

So in the spirit of keeping it real and relieving some pressure...

Here's what you DO need to create a steady 6-figures without the glamour and luxury branding:

A powerful, moving ONE THING YOU DO message that solves a real major life or business problem for a specific group of people. No exceptions.

A way of solving this program with your work, like a start-to-finish program, beyond charging by the hour.

A way of communicating about your message that opens doors, like being invited to speak about what you do.

A way of getting in front of your ideal clients, at least twice per month, like giving great little talks. (This is the foundation to bigger things like webinars, speaking from the stage, etc)

A clean, modern and up-to-date looking website that serves to back up your primary marketing strategy and creates first appointments.

A way of keeping-in-touch and inviting people to leave their email address with those who aren't quite ready yet to hire you, like an ON-MESSAGE email newsletter.

And a whole lot of mindset work to ensure you don't chicken out at the first challenge or feeling of discomfort.

I'll leave with this.

One of my mentors once told me this: Fill your bank account, not your ego.

Doing this will create what you want without empire building, without working full-time hours (if you don't want to) and with plenty of time for family and nurturing self-care.

Get in touch if you're my kind of gal, and if you think you might want my help setting all of this up.

I specialize in simplifying and operationalizing a small, but mighty practice.

And it always starts with making sure your message is clear, moving and effective.

I've got 1 spot left for August, then booking for September start dates.



PS - I teach a webinar on this small practice, big results philosophy. Check it out if you haven't already. 




Are webinars the right way to share your message?


The right time to do webinars, and when to wait

It's rare that a client comes to me with steady marketing in place.

Only the ones with an already successful business have that going on.

The rest, who are somewhat-successful, do marketing "here and there" and want a simple system for creating a steady flow of clients.

And so when they see my webinar, they want to replicate what I do.

But here's what I've learned and now share with nearly everyone about launching webinars in their practice.

Not. Yet.

Do not try to create clients through webinars unless your practice can meet the following criteria:

- you have enough cas*h flow in your business to advertise that webinar and can therefore drive new eyeballs (aka "traffic") to watch it

If you don't have a steady VOLUME flow of interest and clients already coming to you, then putting up a webinar without a plan for getting people to watch it, probably won't work.

- you are independently wealthy and can afford to learn this from the get go, as a new business owner

There are people who teach you how to do webinars correctly, but it isn't cheap to learn.

And, it requires some technology infrastructure to be comfortable with, which means it's not for the faint of heart.

I think webinars-to-clients, is an advanced marketing strategy that's best for more mature businesses and those who can handle a lot of technology.

Or, like I mentioned, for those who are sitting on a pile of money to invest in their business.

- And lastly, you already know your message works and creates clients for you

There are quite a few moving parts to webinars - technology set up, advertising ins-and-outs and so much more to get right.

If you add not knowing if your message is dialed-in, it's an expensive way to figure this out.

This may be fine if you have mone*y, about $1000 - $1500 per month to test this out, each and every month.

Most of my clients do not fall into these criteria.

So, here's how I suggest my clients work their way to webinars.

First, we tighten up their message.

Without a message that is powerful, clear and moving, any marketing will at best be "hit or miss."

Second, let's turn that message into a signature talk that you can give locally and regionally (within a comfortable driving distance).

It's affordable, creates fast results and most coaches already gives talks now and again.

With a little focused effort, this can be your entire source of clients.

We'll use your talk to iron out your message and hone your ability to talk about you do in a powerful and engaging way.

THIS is enough to learn how to get right.

Third, once we know your talk is working and creating clients for you, then we can go beyond local and regional talks and offer a webinar version on a national scale.

For my clients, this happens organically.

Once their talks start working, attendees and places they speak their message will refer them to other places that aren't local/regional.

Always happens.

And the next thing you know you'll be invited to do a webinar version of your signature talk.

In my coaching we call this the: "This sh*^ builds on itself!" phase.

THIS is the right time to add webinars to your message: When you're invited to do one (or feel ready to offer one to an organization outside of your area BECAUSE YOU HAVE EVIDENCE the in-person version works).

Why do I want you to wait on webinars until you've got the basics down?

Webinars are like speaking to an empty black hole.

No faces to look at. People multi-tasking. A fraction of registrants show up. It's a bit trickier.

It's much easier to trouble shoot when you already know that your message works.

For example, if you give a webinar and zero clients were created from this presentation, and you already have "data" from in-person talks that your topic creates clients, you can ask yourself smart questions and adjust things accordingly instead of thinking it was your message: was it the audience? the time? the event organizer's marketing? maybe this group isn't a match as I originally thought?

Fourth, proceed to offer your signature talk, in webinar format, IN ADDITION TO in-person local and regional talks.

So this is about going deeper on the ONE strategy that you know is working to create clients.

Go deeper vs broader in your marketing.

It's the only way for solo-coaches and practitioners.

We can't win the game of being everywhere and trying to be all things to all people.

But we can win the game of going deeper in ONE strategy, ONE message, for ONE audience.

I'd love to help you dial-in your message by giving great little talks.

I have a program that solves the issue of not having enough clients in about 4 months that could quite literally make your fall, and give you a totally different holiday season, if you focus and see this through.

You can learn more about this and see if this makes sense to you too.

If it does resonate, book a time to talk with me and let's see if it's a fit to work together on this.

One day you could do webinars too.

It's a sound idea. Just not yet, for most coaches, practitioners and consultants.

Do the local and regional work first, and it will come.

Here's to focusing more vs efforting more, in our own Happy Little practice,


PS - Here's the link again to learn more about my signature talk system and coaching program that shows you everything I know about speaking your message to create clients.